Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission Guidelines


1st of December, 2023 – Abstract submission starts
1st of April, 2024 –  Abstract submission closes
7th of April, 2024 – Information of the submitted abstract acceptance/rejection
10th of April, 2024 – Registration Deadline

Guideline for abstract submission

  1. Abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract submission form on Congress platform. Faxes, photocopies, or emailed copies will not be accepted. Abstracts can be accepted in exception by e-mail after Organizing Committee justification approval.
  2. It is mandatory to write papers according to the abstract guidelines. Each completed submission is peer-reviewed for its scientific content by Scientific Committee Abstract Reviewers.
  3. Participants may submit only one abstract with 5 co-authors in any given scientific topic.
    Participant may present two abstracts in oral or poster presentation.
    Participant can co-author multiple abstracts.
  4. Previously published abstracts (in print or any electronic form), or those presented at another congress are NOT allowed.
  5. Abstract receipt will be notified by confirmation e-mail.
  6. If the abstract is accepted you will get a confirmation e-mail within a maximum of seven working days.
  7. All the authors and co-authors of a submitted abstract must register to the Congress within one week after they receive the acceptance letter and must pay the registration fee within next seven working days.
  8. All presenters must pay the registration fee; otherwise, the abstract will NOT be included into the program. The processing fee for each abstract covers the expense of the abstract submission, presentation and publication in the proceeding abstract book.
  9. By submitting an abstract to BaSS and in consideration for the opportunity to be included in BaSS presentations, the author of the abstract hereby provides to BaSS a non-exclusive, irrevocable license to use the abstract in BaSS’s publications and materials.
  10. In case of failure to comply with the requirements, the abstract would be excluded from consideration. The reasons for rejecting the submitted papers are: a) manuscripts or photocopies or facsimiles b) abstracts with more number of words than required, c) title in discordance with the content of the abstract d) work similar to another announced by the same authors e) not following the format, f) the presenter of the paper has not register himself in the Congress and g) submission of the paper after the dead line.