Ana Vuković

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    Is Breastfeeding a risk for Early Childhood Caries – up to date recommendations

    Early childhood caries represents one of the most frequent chronic non communicable disease in pediatric population. Having in mind joint etiological factors causing both early childhood caries and other chronic non communicable diseases (such as obesity for example), improving oral health in young children could tackle general health too. Up to date dental research confirmed that early childhood caries etiology is complex and involves a number of different factors such as micro, meso and macro level factors including social and economic determinants of health as well. Pediatric professional associations, as well as World Health Organization recommend continuous breasfeeding up to age of two or as long as mother and child desire. However, among dentists, there is concern that prolonged and ad libidum breastfeeding represents risk for poor oral health. This lecture represents critical appraisal of the relationship between breastfeeding and oral health in order to achieve concensus between pediatricians and dentists and provide the best posible advice to nursing mothers’ in order to enable the best care and improve both oral and general health of the youngest.

  • CV

    Ana Vukovic is consultant in pediatric dentistry with clinical expertise and special focus in preventing oral disease and treating young patients with dental anxiety and medically compromised children. She is Assistant Professor at School of Dental Medicine. Her special research focus present improving oral health in young children especially underprivileged, community dental health, dental public health, epidemiology and special care dentistry. Ana is active in international dental professional organizations: she is Communication Deputy Officer of European Association of Dental Public Health since 2022, and Member of the International Association for Disability and Oral Health Education Committee since 2018.

Speaker Details
  • Lecture details

    Is Breastfeeding a risk for Early Childhood Caries – up to date recommendations

    Early childhood caries represents one of the most frequent chronic non communicable disease in pediatric population. Having in mind joint etiological factors causing both early childhood caries and other chronic non communicable diseases (such as obesity for example), improving oral health in young children could tackle general health too. Up to date dental research confirmed that early childhood caries etiology is complex and involves a number of different factors such as micro, meso and macro level factors including social and economic determinants of health as well. Pediatric professional associations, as well as World Health Organization recommend continuous breasfeeding up to age of two or as long as mother and child desire. However, among dentists, there is concern that prolonged and ad libidum breastfeeding represents risk for poor oral health. This lecture represents critical appraisal of the relationship between breastfeeding and oral health in order to achieve concensus between pediatricians and dentists and provide the best posible advice to nursing mothers’ in order to enable the best care and improve both oral and general health of the youngest.

  • CV

    Ana Vukovic is consultant in pediatric dentistry with clinical expertise and special focus in preventing oral disease and treating young patients with dental anxiety and medically compromised children. She is Assistant Professor at School of Dental Medicine. Her special research focus present improving oral health in young children especially underprivileged, community dental health, dental public health, epidemiology and special care dentistry. Ana is active in international dental professional organizations: she is Communication Deputy Officer of European Association of Dental Public Health since 2022, and Member of the International Association for Disability and Oral Health Education Committee since 2018.