Immediacy in Full Arch Rehabilitation
Aleksa Markovic
Implant Center,
School of Dental Medicine, Belgrade
Implant rehabilitation of edentulous jaws is a challenge in everyday dental practice. The most common reason is insufficient bone volume for implant placement, mainly in the posterior regions of edentulous jaws due to the proximity of anatomical structures. Achieving adequate function, optimal aesthetics and immediate function are the main goals of implant therapy of edentulous jaws.
Immediate loading involves connecting dental implants to a prosthesis that occludes with the opposing arch within one week after implant placement. This protocol offers several benefits for patients, including reduced treatment time, fewer clinic visits, improved aesthetics, and better phonetics.
Lecture will present protocols for immediate and late implant placing with immediate loading in full arch rehabilitation.
Aleksa Marković DDS, MSc, PhD, is University Professor of oral surgery and implantology at the University of Belgrade, Belgrade's School of Dental Medicine. He is Chairman of Belgrade ITI Scholarship Center, Chairman of Belgrade ITI Study Club, an ITI Felow and President of Serbian Society for Oral Implantology. Dr Marković has 30 - years experience in leading student courses from area of oral surgery, dental anesthesiology and dental implantology; postgraduate studies of oral surgery and implantology as well as basic and master courses of dental implantology. His area of research includes implant dentistry with focus on bone-implant interface regarding different loading conditions, surgical techniques and implant surface, then bone regeneration and the effects of low level laser treatment on the oral and periimplant tissues. He has authored or coauthored 64 articles in domestic and international journals of which 41 in CC journals, 4 textbooks and 3 monographs. Dr Marković has held 182 lectures at national and international scientific meetings. He has led several international research projects devoted to bone regeneration and implant loading. Dr. Marković received his dental degree with a specialization of oral surgery as well as a doctoral degree in bone regeneration and a master degree in local analgesia, all from University of Belgrade.
Immediacy in Full Arch Rehabilitation
Aleksa Markovic
Implant Center,
School of Dental Medicine, Belgrade
Implant rehabilitation of edentulous jaws is a challenge in everyday dental practice. The most common reason is insufficient bone volume for implant placement, mainly in the posterior regions of edentulous jaws due to the proximity of anatomical structures. Achieving adequate function, optimal aesthetics and immediate function are the main goals of implant therapy of edentulous jaws.
Immediate loading involves connecting dental implants to a prosthesis that occludes with the opposing arch within one week after implant placement. This protocol offers several benefits for patients, including reduced treatment time, fewer clinic visits, improved aesthetics, and better phonetics.
Lecture will present protocols for immediate and late implant placing with immediate loading in full arch rehabilitation.
Aleksa Marković DDS, MSc, PhD, is University Professor of oral surgery and implantology at the University of Belgrade, Belgrade's School of Dental Medicine. He is Chairman of Belgrade ITI Scholarship Center, Chairman of Belgrade ITI Study Club, an ITI Felow and President of Serbian Society for Oral Implantology. Dr Marković has 30 - years experience in leading student courses from area of oral surgery, dental anesthesiology and dental implantology; postgraduate studies of oral surgery and implantology as well as basic and master courses of dental implantology. His area of research includes implant dentistry with focus on bone-implant interface regarding different loading conditions, surgical techniques and implant surface, then bone regeneration and the effects of low level laser treatment on the oral and periimplant tissues. He has authored or coauthored 64 articles in domestic and international journals of which 41 in CC journals, 4 textbooks and 3 monographs. Dr Marković has held 182 lectures at national and international scientific meetings. He has led several international research projects devoted to bone regeneration and implant loading. Dr. Marković received his dental degree with a specialization of oral surgery as well as a doctoral degree in bone regeneration and a master degree in local analgesia, all from University of Belgrade.
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