Title: Key factors bonding indirect adhesive restorations
Luting adhesive restorations has become a routine clinical procedure thanks to the development of minimally invasive therapeutic alternatives. However, it is not without complexity and some controversy, as the protocols do not always coincide.
During luting procedures, it is necessary to pre-treat the restoration to be cemented and the tooth, as well as to select a resin cement. The presentation will review the main CAD-CAM materials with which to fabricate our restorations, as well as the most appropriate treatment protocol for each of them. It will also review the adhesive systems and resin cements available on the market, with emphasis on the most recent ones that have emerged in order to simplify luting procedures
Laura Ceballos obtained her DDS in 1997 and her PhD in 2001 at University of Granada in Spain. In 2003, she moved to Madrid, as Interim Associate Professor, to teach Dental Materials in the newly created Degree in Dentistry at the Rey Juan Carlos University. In the following years, she added Dental Pathology and Conservative Dentistry to her teaching duties, while being promoted to Associate Professor in 2007 and Full Professor in 2019. She founded a Master in Esthetic Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics that began in 2009. Recently, she started up a Research Group, named IDIBO (Development and Research in Dental Biomaterials), with the Rey Juan Carlos University official recognition.
She has focused her research activity on the field of Adhesive Dentistry, including laboratorial and clinical studies. Her publications can be conferred at https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6024-9559. Many of them are related to doctoral theses that she supervised. She was president of the Spanish Society of Conservative Dentistry (SEOC) and member of the Executive Commission of the European Federation of Conservative Dentistry (EFCD) on behalf of SEOC. She is currently the president of the Continental Europea Division of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR).
Title: Key factors bonding indirect adhesive restorations
Luting adhesive restorations has become a routine clinical procedure thanks to the development of minimally invasive therapeutic alternatives. However, it is not without complexity and some controversy, as the protocols do not always coincide.
During luting procedures, it is necessary to pre-treat the restoration to be cemented and the tooth, as well as to select a resin cement. The presentation will review the main CAD-CAM materials with which to fabricate our restorations, as well as the most appropriate treatment protocol for each of them. It will also review the adhesive systems and resin cements available on the market, with emphasis on the most recent ones that have emerged in order to simplify luting procedures
Laura Ceballos obtained her DDS in 1997 and her PhD in 2001 at University of Granada in Spain. In 2003, she moved to Madrid, as Interim Associate Professor, to teach Dental Materials in the newly created Degree in Dentistry at the Rey Juan Carlos University. In the following years, she added Dental Pathology and Conservative Dentistry to her teaching duties, while being promoted to Associate Professor in 2007 and Full Professor in 2019. She founded a Master in Esthetic Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics that began in 2009. Recently, she started up a Research Group, named IDIBO (Development and Research in Dental Biomaterials), with the Rey Juan Carlos University official recognition.
She has focused her research activity on the field of Adhesive Dentistry, including laboratorial and clinical studies. Her publications can be conferred at https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6024-9559. Many of them are related to doctoral theses that she supervised. She was president of the Spanish Society of Conservative Dentistry (SEOC) and member of the Executive Commission of the European Federation of Conservative Dentistry (EFCD) on behalf of SEOC. She is currently the president of the Continental Europea Division of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR).
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