Vladimir Biočanin

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    Intraoperative complications in dental implantology

    Prof. Vladimir Biočanin

    Complications in dental implantology can occur at any stage of implant therapy, from planning, intraoperative, to postoperative phase. Unlike complications in planning phase and postoperative complications, intraoperative (surgical) complications are usually unexpected and require urgent treatment. From intraoperative complications associated with a surgical procedure, bleeding most often occurs in the interforaminal region of the mandible, because most of the vascular branches (a.subligvalis, a. submentalis) in this region enter the mandible bone.
    Nerve damage can occur as a result of transposition or lateralization of the inferior alveolar nerve, or excessive penetration of the drill or implant into the mandibular canal. Fractures of the mandible which are a consequence of the installation of implants occur more easily when the implants are placed in an atrophic jaw. Sometimes, incorrect positioning or lack of parallelism in implant placement causes damage to the root of the adjacent tooth. The absence of primary stability can arise as the result of over expansion of the implant bed during bed preparation, and also due to poor bone quality, and can occur more often with immediate implantation. Another possibility of complication is the migration of the implant into the maxillary sinus.

  • CV

    Vladimir Biocanin, DDM, DDS, PhD
    Full professor, Dean, Oral surgeon

    Dr Vladimir Biocanin graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Belgrade as the best-in-class student, in 2006. At the same faculty he has completed postgraduate studies in Oral surgery and got PhD degree in 2012. In 2016 he became an oral surgeon specialist.
    Current position: Dean and Full professor of Oral Surgery, Anesthesiology, Oral implantology at the Faculty of Stomatology in Pancevo, University of Business Academy in Novi Sad
    Professor Biocanin has published 118 scientific papers, among which 22 from the Science Citation Index. Moreover, he is an author of 8 university books and project leader or project associate in 7 scientific projects. He presented numerous lectures in international and national conferences, and serves as reviewer in many international and national scientific journals.

Speaker Details
  • Lecture details

    Intraoperative complications in dental implantology

    Prof. Vladimir Biočanin

    Complications in dental implantology can occur at any stage of implant therapy, from planning, intraoperative, to postoperative phase. Unlike complications in planning phase and postoperative complications, intraoperative (surgical) complications are usually unexpected and require urgent treatment. From intraoperative complications associated with a surgical procedure, bleeding most often occurs in the interforaminal region of the mandible, because most of the vascular branches (a.subligvalis, a. submentalis) in this region enter the mandible bone.
    Nerve damage can occur as a result of transposition or lateralization of the inferior alveolar nerve, or excessive penetration of the drill or implant into the mandibular canal. Fractures of the mandible which are a consequence of the installation of implants occur more easily when the implants are placed in an atrophic jaw. Sometimes, incorrect positioning or lack of parallelism in implant placement causes damage to the root of the adjacent tooth. The absence of primary stability can arise as the result of over expansion of the implant bed during bed preparation, and also due to poor bone quality, and can occur more often with immediate implantation. Another possibility of complication is the migration of the implant into the maxillary sinus.

  • CV

    Vladimir Biocanin, DDM, DDS, PhD
    Full professor, Dean, Oral surgeon

    Dr Vladimir Biocanin graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Belgrade as the best-in-class student, in 2006. At the same faculty he has completed postgraduate studies in Oral surgery and got PhD degree in 2012. In 2016 he became an oral surgeon specialist.
    Current position: Dean and Full professor of Oral Surgery, Anesthesiology, Oral implantology at the Faculty of Stomatology in Pancevo, University of Business Academy in Novi Sad
    Professor Biocanin has published 118 scientific papers, among which 22 from the Science Citation Index. Moreover, he is an author of 8 university books and project leader or project associate in 7 scientific projects. He presented numerous lectures in international and national conferences, and serves as reviewer in many international and national scientific journals.