Guideline for award competition

BaSS Awards

BaSS Congress Awards for The Best Oral and Poster Presentations are given at the BaSS Congresses, in order to promote the scientific activities and dental research. The final decisions for the Awards are given in writing in a sealed letter to the President of the Congress to be announced at the closing ceremony.

The Awards are given to the best 3 Oral Presentations, and the best 3 Poster Presentations. The best Presentations Awards will consist of a Certificate, issued by BaSS and the amount provided by the BaSS account for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd award.

  1. The candidates must: hold a degree in dentistry; work in any of the countries members of BaSS, be a member of BaSS, have to be under the age of 35, and should not be a senior academic (professor or associate professor).
  2. Senior academics are not prohibited from participating in a work and taking part in the competition, as long as they are not first authors. If the research is team work, the approval of all the members of the team is required.
  3. The paper must be the result of an original research (basic, experimental or clinical) and it must be presented for the first time.
  4. All candidate papers will be presented at special sessions of the Congress in front of the Awards Committee members.
  5. A short CV of the winner and an extended abstract of his awarded work will appear in the last issue of the year of BJDM (Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine), with the permission of the journal that had originally published the article.
  6. All Award candidates have to sign a written consent that if they are awarded they are obliged to submit their manuscripts to the BJDM, the official Publication of the BaSS, for publication, free of charge.

Applications should be addressed to the Scientific Committee IN FULL TEXT and must include the following:

  1. Nominee’s name, address, date of birth (accompanied by a copy of his/her passport), current place of work, position.
  2. Curriculum vitae.
  3. Three reprints of the paper.
  4. A brief letter accompanying the paper describing why it is deemed worthy of an award.

Candidates will be acknowledged by e-mail.