Assoc. Prof. Sabetim Cherkezi

Speaker Details
  • Lecture details

    Impacted maxillary canine and their management

    Impacted teeth are teeth that are formed in the bone, but for some reasons they did not erupt in their place or in any other place of the dental arch or elsewhere.

    Maxillary canines are often impacted and they take the second place immediately after the third molar. In this case, maxillary canines have special place who with their morphology and function are the only teeth in orofacial region. Aesthetics of the frontal teeth is in the interest of the patient and also of the dentist. Frontal healthy teeth are not aesthetic enough prerequisite, the teeth need to be well-aligned, the relationship between the gingiva and the teeth should also be acceptable.

    From the etiologic point of view, the anomaly is related to the lack of space for tooth eruptions and genetic predisposition. Impacted canines do not erupt in time by staying in the jaw. The possibility of pulling these teeth requires interdisciplinary collaboration of orthodontists, oral surgeons, periodontist, pedodontists and dentists.

    Clinical examination in the dentition of the deciduous teeth should find the symptoms of possible impacts, the lack of buccal rising in the gingival space over the crown of primary canine.

    Differential diagnosis should be done through orthopantomogram or CTBC capture.

    Only CBCT presents the entire area three-dimensionally, and can show the best abnormalities in the wrong direction, or impacted teeth, as well as ratios of the surrounding tissue and tooth.

    Surgery-Orthodontic Therapy consists in the approach to display the canine crown, the gradual pulling of the tooth in its dental arch space. For successful treatment is understood the placement of canine in its place without losing the surrounding bone and the harmonious relationship of the gingiva and dental arch in the aesthetic frontal area.

    Keywords: diagnosis, impacted canines, prevention, therapy of impacted canine

  • CV

    Assoc. Prof. Sabetim Cherkezi
    Specialist Orthodontist
    Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Dentistry, University of Tetovo
    Faculty of Dental Medicine, International Balkan University
    Republic of North Macedonia

    Born: 10/12/1969 Gostivar


    2017 Defense of the doctoral dissertation "Orthodontic anomalies risk factor in the inclusion and progression of inflammatory destructive changes of the periodontal tissue complex"
    2013 Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Dentistry Skopje
    2013 Professional development of the Department of Orthodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry in Sarajevo. European Visiting Program from the European Dental Student Associate (EDSA)
    2012 Defense of the master:
    "The prevalence of orthodontic anomalies among school children in various ethnic groups in the area of the city of Gostivar" - Faculty of Dentistry – Skopje
    2007-2010 Specialization Orthodontics
    Faculty of Dentistry - Skopje
    1997 Faculty of Dentistry - Skopje
    1984-1988 High School "PancePopovski" Gostivar
    1976-1984 Primary School "MoshaPiade" Gostivar

    Work experience:
    2010- Present Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences Department of Dentistry at the University of Tetovo

    Teaching assistant:
    Morphology of jaws and teeth
    Ergonomics and
    Orthodontics I and Orthodontics II

    2018 –present Asst. Prof.. By subjects:
    Orthodontics I
    Orthodontics II
    1998- present Dental Clinic „Vivadent” Gostivar
    1997-1998 ProbationarycourseMedical House
    2022 – Present Assistant Professor at International Balkan University Faculty of Dental Medicine – Skopje

    Asst. Prof.. By subjects:
    Anatomy and morphology of the tooth
    Treating of maloclusion with the extraction of the fierst permanent molars
    Apolonia 14-27, art.141-148, maj 2012
    Malocclusions a possibile dengerous factor in the ethiopathogenesis of yhe gingival inflammation
    Egyptian Dental Journal 2015

    Mandibular crowding - a risk factor in the initiation and progression of gingival inflamation
    ACOFS 2016 (article cod: ACOFS0047

    Hypodontia and hyperodontia prevalence in school aged children 7-14 in the three ethnicities in the district of Gostivar
    International Journal of Dentistry nr: 374191
    Crowding and opeen bite in relation to gingival inflammation
    Journal of International Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X
    volume -11- number -1-2018
    Fercuency of class II disorders and their realtion to ethnicity, gender, age and residence in school age group
    Journal of international Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X
    Volume -11-number-1-2018
    Dental number anomalies and their prevalence according to gander and jaw in school children 7 to 14 years
    Open Access North Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences may 2018 6(5) 867-873
    ISSN 185-9655
    Frequency of the 3rd class anomalies in schoolchildren 7 to 14 years old, related to ethnicity, gender, age and residence in municipality of Gostivar
    Apolonia 39-40 mars 2020

    Treating of maloclusion with the extraction of the fierst permanent molars
    Apolonia 14-27, art.141-148, maj 2012
    Malocclusions a possibile dengerous factor in the ethiopathogenesis of yhe gingival inflammation
    Egyptian Dental Journal 2015

    Mandibular crowding - a risk factor in the initiation and progression of gingival inflamation
    ACOFS 2016 (article cod: ACOFS0047

    Hypodontia and hyperodontia prevalence in school aged children 7-14 in the three ethnicities in the district of Gostivar
    International Journal of Dentistry nr: 374191
    Crowding and opeen bite in relation to gingival inflammation
    Journal of International Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X
    volume -11- number -1-2018
    Fercuency of class II disorders and their realtion to ethnicity, gender, age and residence in school age group
    Journal of international Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X
    Volume -11-number-1-2018
    Dental number anomalies and their prevalence according to gander and jaw in school children 7 to 14 years
    Open Access North Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences may 2018 6(5) 867-873
    ISSN 185-9655
    Frequency of the 3rd class anomalies in schoolchildren 7 to 14 years old, related to ethnicity, gender, age and residence in municipality of Gostivar
    Apolonia 39-40 mars 2020

    Kongres of Albanian Dental Asociation Tirana 2009
    Assessment microlikage four different materials used as retrograde filling of the root canal

    Treating of maloclusion with the extraction of the first permanent molars
    Oral presentation MOS Mavrovo 2010

    Prevalence of hyperdontia and Hypodontia in 7 to 14 year old school children amoung three ethnicities of Gostivars’ city
    Oral presentation II kongres of MOS Skopje 2011

    Treating of maloclusion with the extraction of the fierst permanent molars
    Apolonia 14-27, art.141-148, maj 2012

    Treating of crowding with non extraction therapy
    Oral presentation symposium april 2014 Skopje

    Treating of crowding with non extraction therapy acordinng to occlusion
    Albanian Dental Sosaity november 2014 Skopje

    1 st Internatinal Dental Student Conclave 2014 Indore India
    Treating of crowding without extraction
    International Key Note Speakers

    Treatment of crowding without extraction in relation to the stability of occlusion
    Oral presentation EDSIC, Cairo, Egypt, Egyptian Dental Syndicate International Congress 2015

    Impacted canine
    Oral presentation, Symposium MOS Dojran 2017
    Treatment of crowding with non extraction therapy in relation to the stability of occlusion
    Oral presentation, MSS, Bitola 2017
    Treatment of crowding with non extraction therapy in relation to occlusion
    Oral presentation Tirana 2017 Congress of FMD (Faculty of Medical Dentistry)
    Extraction of the teeth for orthodontic purposes
    Oral presentation Tetovo 2017 Albanians Dental Society
    Impacted maxillary canine prevention and therapy
    3rd International Congress of BAOS Balkan Association of Orthodontic Specialist
    & 4rth Congress of MOS Macedonian Orthodontic Society - Ohrid
    Invited Speakers, 2019 Ohrid
    Treatment of crowding with non extraction therapy in relation to the stability of occlusion
    Pan Albanian congress & European Association for Cranio Maxillary Facial Surgery EACMF – Struga I
    Invited Speakers, 2019 Struga
    Impacted maxillary canine prevention
    International Congress of FDM – Tirana
    Invited Speakers -2019, Tirana

    Congress of Albanian Orthodontic Society
    Invited speakers -2022, Tirana

    Author of the translation from the Serbo-Croatian language of the book orthodontics "Orthodontics I" Author: Mr.sci.Sabetim Çerkezi, Prof.Ass.Milaim Sejdini

    Author of the internship for Orthodontics "Morphological-functional analysis and orthodontic diagnostics" Author: Mr.sci.Sabetim Çerkezi, Prof.Ass. Milaim Sejdini

Speaker Details
  • Lecture details

    Impacted maxillary canine and their management

    Impacted teeth are teeth that are formed in the bone, but for some reasons they did not erupt in their place or in any other place of the dental arch or elsewhere.

    Maxillary canines are often impacted and they take the second place immediately after the third molar. In this case, maxillary canines have special place who with their morphology and function are the only teeth in orofacial region. Aesthetics of the frontal teeth is in the interest of the patient and also of the dentist. Frontal healthy teeth are not aesthetic enough prerequisite, the teeth need to be well-aligned, the relationship between the gingiva and the teeth should also be acceptable.

    From the etiologic point of view, the anomaly is related to the lack of space for tooth eruptions and genetic predisposition. Impacted canines do not erupt in time by staying in the jaw. The possibility of pulling these teeth requires interdisciplinary collaboration of orthodontists, oral surgeons, periodontist, pedodontists and dentists.

    Clinical examination in the dentition of the deciduous teeth should find the symptoms of possible impacts, the lack of buccal rising in the gingival space over the crown of primary canine.

    Differential diagnosis should be done through orthopantomogram or CTBC capture.

    Only CBCT presents the entire area three-dimensionally, and can show the best abnormalities in the wrong direction, or impacted teeth, as well as ratios of the surrounding tissue and tooth.

    Surgery-Orthodontic Therapy consists in the approach to display the canine crown, the gradual pulling of the tooth in its dental arch space. For successful treatment is understood the placement of canine in its place without losing the surrounding bone and the harmonious relationship of the gingiva and dental arch in the aesthetic frontal area.

    Keywords: diagnosis, impacted canines, prevention, therapy of impacted canine

  • CV

    Assoc. Prof. Sabetim Cherkezi
    Specialist Orthodontist
    Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Dentistry, University of Tetovo
    Faculty of Dental Medicine, International Balkan University
    Republic of North Macedonia

    Born: 10/12/1969 Gostivar


    2017 Defense of the doctoral dissertation "Orthodontic anomalies risk factor in the inclusion and progression of inflammatory destructive changes of the periodontal tissue complex"
    2013 Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Dentistry Skopje
    2013 Professional development of the Department of Orthodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry in Sarajevo. European Visiting Program from the European Dental Student Associate (EDSA)
    2012 Defense of the master:
    "The prevalence of orthodontic anomalies among school children in various ethnic groups in the area of the city of Gostivar" - Faculty of Dentistry – Skopje
    2007-2010 Specialization Orthodontics
    Faculty of Dentistry - Skopje
    1997 Faculty of Dentistry - Skopje
    1984-1988 High School "PancePopovski" Gostivar
    1976-1984 Primary School "MoshaPiade" Gostivar

    Work experience:
    2010- Present Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences Department of Dentistry at the University of Tetovo

    Teaching assistant:
    Morphology of jaws and teeth
    Ergonomics and
    Orthodontics I and Orthodontics II

    2018 –present Asst. Prof.. By subjects:
    Orthodontics I
    Orthodontics II
    1998- present Dental Clinic „Vivadent” Gostivar
    1997-1998 ProbationarycourseMedical House
    2022 – Present Assistant Professor at International Balkan University Faculty of Dental Medicine – Skopje

    Asst. Prof.. By subjects:
    Anatomy and morphology of the tooth
    Treating of maloclusion with the extraction of the fierst permanent molars
    Apolonia 14-27, art.141-148, maj 2012
    Malocclusions a possibile dengerous factor in the ethiopathogenesis of yhe gingival inflammation
    Egyptian Dental Journal 2015

    Mandibular crowding - a risk factor in the initiation and progression of gingival inflamation
    ACOFS 2016 (article cod: ACOFS0047

    Hypodontia and hyperodontia prevalence in school aged children 7-14 in the three ethnicities in the district of Gostivar
    International Journal of Dentistry nr: 374191
    Crowding and opeen bite in relation to gingival inflammation
    Journal of International Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X
    volume -11- number -1-2018
    Fercuency of class II disorders and their realtion to ethnicity, gender, age and residence in school age group
    Journal of international Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X
    Volume -11-number-1-2018
    Dental number anomalies and their prevalence according to gander and jaw in school children 7 to 14 years
    Open Access North Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences may 2018 6(5) 867-873
    ISSN 185-9655
    Frequency of the 3rd class anomalies in schoolchildren 7 to 14 years old, related to ethnicity, gender, age and residence in municipality of Gostivar
    Apolonia 39-40 mars 2020

    Treating of maloclusion with the extraction of the fierst permanent molars
    Apolonia 14-27, art.141-148, maj 2012
    Malocclusions a possibile dengerous factor in the ethiopathogenesis of yhe gingival inflammation
    Egyptian Dental Journal 2015

    Mandibular crowding - a risk factor in the initiation and progression of gingival inflamation
    ACOFS 2016 (article cod: ACOFS0047

    Hypodontia and hyperodontia prevalence in school aged children 7-14 in the three ethnicities in the district of Gostivar
    International Journal of Dentistry nr: 374191
    Crowding and opeen bite in relation to gingival inflammation
    Journal of International Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X
    volume -11- number -1-2018
    Fercuency of class II disorders and their realtion to ethnicity, gender, age and residence in school age group
    Journal of international Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X
    Volume -11-number-1-2018
    Dental number anomalies and their prevalence according to gander and jaw in school children 7 to 14 years
    Open Access North Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences may 2018 6(5) 867-873
    ISSN 185-9655
    Frequency of the 3rd class anomalies in schoolchildren 7 to 14 years old, related to ethnicity, gender, age and residence in municipality of Gostivar
    Apolonia 39-40 mars 2020

    Kongres of Albanian Dental Asociation Tirana 2009
    Assessment microlikage four different materials used as retrograde filling of the root canal

    Treating of maloclusion with the extraction of the first permanent molars
    Oral presentation MOS Mavrovo 2010

    Prevalence of hyperdontia and Hypodontia in 7 to 14 year old school children amoung three ethnicities of Gostivars’ city
    Oral presentation II kongres of MOS Skopje 2011

    Treating of maloclusion with the extraction of the fierst permanent molars
    Apolonia 14-27, art.141-148, maj 2012

    Treating of crowding with non extraction therapy
    Oral presentation symposium april 2014 Skopje

    Treating of crowding with non extraction therapy acordinng to occlusion
    Albanian Dental Sosaity november 2014 Skopje

    1 st Internatinal Dental Student Conclave 2014 Indore India
    Treating of crowding without extraction
    International Key Note Speakers

    Treatment of crowding without extraction in relation to the stability of occlusion
    Oral presentation EDSIC, Cairo, Egypt, Egyptian Dental Syndicate International Congress 2015

    Impacted canine
    Oral presentation, Symposium MOS Dojran 2017
    Treatment of crowding with non extraction therapy in relation to the stability of occlusion
    Oral presentation, MSS, Bitola 2017
    Treatment of crowding with non extraction therapy in relation to occlusion
    Oral presentation Tirana 2017 Congress of FMD (Faculty of Medical Dentistry)
    Extraction of the teeth for orthodontic purposes
    Oral presentation Tetovo 2017 Albanians Dental Society
    Impacted maxillary canine prevention and therapy
    3rd International Congress of BAOS Balkan Association of Orthodontic Specialist
    & 4rth Congress of MOS Macedonian Orthodontic Society - Ohrid
    Invited Speakers, 2019 Ohrid
    Treatment of crowding with non extraction therapy in relation to the stability of occlusion
    Pan Albanian congress & European Association for Cranio Maxillary Facial Surgery EACMF – Struga I
    Invited Speakers, 2019 Struga
    Impacted maxillary canine prevention
    International Congress of FDM – Tirana
    Invited Speakers -2019, Tirana

    Congress of Albanian Orthodontic Society
    Invited speakers -2022, Tirana

    Author of the translation from the Serbo-Croatian language of the book orthodontics "Orthodontics I" Author: Mr.sci.Sabetim Çerkezi, Prof.Ass.Milaim Sejdini

    Author of the internship for Orthodontics "Morphological-functional analysis and orthodontic diagnostics" Author: Mr.sci.Sabetim Çerkezi, Prof.Ass. Milaim Sejdini